A standout tool for developers, Unity game engine

games made with Unity

The game engine crucially matters for game developers! To develop any game choosing a perfect and frequent game engine is extremely required as all the functioning of the game depends on the programming that enables it to run accordingly. Thus, game developers seem very particular and picky regarding the game engine. And as professional game developers, they seek a suitable game engine that works feasibly and fits their demands to make their creations captivating. And meeting all such expectations of the game developer, Unity plays a very functional game engine. Unity is the perfect option and a handy tool for game developers who want to create something very innovative and engaging. If we check for the reason why game developers rely much on Unity, we will find the non-complexity of Unity game engine, which is a cross-platform based on “C# language.” With some unique features of Unity, such as it can support “25 platforms,” including mobile, console, pc, XP or AP, it becomes a valuable asset in the gaming industry. The great thing about it you may also like is the game engine provides ingress to its store known as “Unity Asset Store.” In this store, the developers can explore, sell and create advanced game assets that are 2D and 3D. All these core features of Unity game engine make it different from others, and thus, it is prevalent in the gaming zone today as it is the most suitable tool for beginners to learn game development. Moreover, there are various things you need to know about Unity, let’s have a look at them below.       What makes Unity unique from other game engines? If you are familiar enough with programming or coding required for any game development, there is a high priority that you must like to work on Unity. It is the most demanding asset of the gaming industry these days and is used by game developers to create striking gaming creations. Below are some critical facts about Unity that all you need to know;   Unity supports 2D and 3D graphics: In this world of higher technology, the level of graphics gets steeped upward with no falling scenario in the future. But the question arises, which software will support the advanced 2D/3D graphics making the game more appealing? The answer is Unity. It supports both 2D and 3D graphics greatly so that you can create any kind of art to give your creation next-level graphics. Games like Pokemon Go and Cut Drop Strike have eye-catching graphics made with Unity.   Unity supports cross-platform: The best part about any game engine is how many devices it supports. If we talk about Unity the number we get the figure of 25 which means it can support 25 cross-platforms, including mobile, pc, Android, iOS, MacOS, PlayStations, etc. Thus, this exciting feature of Unity makes it unique from other engines.   Unity supports AR/VR technology: Without a doubt, we all know that the world is getting trapped in the meshwork of the newest and most advanced technologies, which are attracting the bulk crowd across the globe, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). People are getting crazy about AR/VR games nowadays due to their real-time entertainment concept, and Unity is the game engine that supports these technologies to build realistic and user-friendly games.   Unity supports animation: A game without good animation creates boredom because of compelling graphics, and with fine animation, gamers get influenced to go for playing any game, but if the animation doesn’t meet their expectations, then that game is discarded from the gaming market. To avoid all this, a game developer searches for the best-suited game engine, i.e., Unity, that supports any kind of animation in the game.   These are some qualities of Unity that make it a suitable game engine for developing a booming creation. Now let’s take you on a ride to know some popular games made with Unity.       Popular games developed with the help of Unity With the help of Unity, developers are able to create highly imposing and extraordinary games that make the audience extremely delighted and compel them to go for playing them. A few of them are mentioned below, let’s take a quick look at them; Subnautica Pokemon Go Cuphead Hearthstone Rust Pillars of Eternity, RPG based game Kerbal Space Program Cut Drop Strike, Puzzle based game   All the games mentioned above have resulted in great success in the market and are well-liked by the audience. Thus, preparing a game with the Unity game engine will be more convenient and reliable to make your creation a booming creation. So, we have talked only about the qualities of Unity game engine, but as there are two faces to every coin so, let’s draw your attention to the Pros and Cons.     Pros and Cons of the Unity Beyond any question, it is crystal clear that Unity plays an essential role while creating any game that allows a feasible path for developers to build a thriving game. But along with massive merits, it also has some demerits that we will get to explore stepwise below; Pros: The game engine is free for those projects having less than a $100,000 budget It can be driven across 25 platforms to create a worthy game The Unity software has amazing tools and props for the mobile and indie game development Cons: The feature of the Read-Only option will create a problem for those who don’t have the Unity Enterprise subscription The most advanced and latest features are available only after downloading it It also has a comparatively lower performance rate than other game engines have   Discussing the Pros and Cons of Unity gives a brief idea about it that how it is helpful for game developers, and what they should avoid while using it to create a fantastic game. Moreover, Aavega also prefers Unity for any game development project, so it’s time to take a quick look at